Earth Moves Cooperative

Pilgrimages, Walks, and Retreats
Please click here to join us on an Earth Moves Public Tour, experience a pilgrimage with like minded others
Earth Moves offer tours around many of our ancient and sacred sites from Neolithic stone sites to Holy Wells in the interest of grounding and helping people connect to the Earth and find a way to feel linked to their past. This can be a one-day event or can combine with a second day of onsite training where we bring what we have learned from being out in nature back into the workplace.
Tours can be booked for organisations, business and education establishments.
Earth moves Sacred Tours involve going to specific places. This can have experiential, physical and metaphorical value.
These types of journeys have different flavours and travel through particular stories or historical/ mythical ideas.
Earth Moves offers different layers of depth in the tours including introductory Sacred Tours, more spiritually based pilgrimages and investigative and practical quests. Elements of all three can also be combined for bespoke experiences.
View Album Of Past events
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Sacred Tours
The main model of practice here will be gathering groups of participants, arranging transport and taking them to a pre-planned set of sites that have sacred, mythological and historical significance. Spending time in the sites and engaging in discussion, introductions to ritual practice and meditation, historical explanation, and activities such as drawing or other grounding experiential practices will allow the sacred tourists to have a full and rich experience of the places visited. Breaks and food can be timetabled in and the day will be flexible yet organised.
Meditation is an inner pilgrimage and can ideally be combined with the Sacred Tour to a greater degree for those already familiar with some spiritual practice. The weighting of these events could be slightly more serious and more in depth and may also serve as a follow up experience after an introductory tour. The places will be seen more for their spiritual energy rather than for their initial tourist interest. Sites of recognised spiritual importance can be engaged with using ritual and setting intentions relating to the significance of each site. Activities involve preparing offerings to saints, spirits or ancestors workshop activities are integrated into the experience.
Meditation is an inner pilgrimage and can ideally be combined with the Sacred Tour to a greater degree for those already familiar with some spiritual practice. The weighting of these events could be slightly more serious and more in depth and may also serve as a follow-up experience after an introductory tour. The places will be seen more for their spiritual energy rather than for their initial tourist interest. Sites of recognised spiritual importance can be engaged with using ritual and setting intentions relating to the significance of each site. Holy sites could be approached silently or bare-foot where appropriate. Preparing offerings to saints, spirits or ancestors could also be included as workshop activities before leaving or during travel.
Quests are specifically journeys of seeking and personal exploration and transformation. In this context there is a rich historical tradition of sites available linked with spiritual history, Celtic mythology, and Arthurian interest. These experiences may appeal very much to participants already interested in these themes and also tourists from outside the UK who are fascinated by the myths and metaphysical meanings of sites we explore.
Some spiritual element will also be involved in these types of tours but t ere should also be a level of person enquiry or investigation. We may go looking specifically to find certain clues or evidence of ideas and could again use short meditations and drawing as a practice to fully look at the sites explored.
Earth Moves upcoming Community Retreats / Tours
See album of retreats and Pilgrimages
Look Below for video featuring past events.
Tours over two days
When Building our experience over two days we endeavour to bring back the benefits of our visit to sacred or ancient spaces and the things we have discovered. The second day is to be delivered in the work space where we discuss ways to embed our positive experience into our daily routine. This is designed to increase confidence, communication, productivity and individual and group well being. We can deliver this bespoke follow up day immediately after or within a period to be negotiated, with the aim of helping people develop more positive habits and approaches in their working lives. In this way what the participants of the tour can discover may be more profound and beneficial than a single day away. We can bring nature back into the office or work-space both psychologically and even physically by the use of touchstones, plants or objects to help reconnect with positive experiences of calm, happiness and well-being.
Thank you so very much for a magical day in Wales. The knowledge that Pete brings and the spirituality that Ishtar and the company of Fifi brings is the perfect balance when visiting the sacred sites. It was a lovely group of people and felt honored to be a part of the group I can highly recommend going on one of these special days XxX Julie Frost (Chakra doodles)
It was a really good day; special places shared with lovely people xx
Lesley Flowerday.
Endorsements for Sacred Tours
Thank you for a very atmospheric and unique experience yesterday, Carol Ann Johnson
It was a really good day; special places shared with lovely people
Lesley Flowerday.
Have just returned from a one day sacred sites tour of North Wales. What a wondrous adventure this was.The leaders of the trip were a great team. The couple running had diverse personalities. The beautiful woman playing the dedicated hostess and leading meditations whilst her partner was the brains behind the operation. This man grew up in this stunning area of Wales, therefore giving him knowledge of the whereabouts of the sites only a local would have.……We had all found a stone at a previous site and sent intentions of positive light and love into the pebbles before throwing them into the well to help us manifest our desires and heal any past negative emotions. This was a profound end to a magical day which I feel honoured to have been able to partake in.
Jessica (http://consciouscalling.wordpress.com/2013/10/15/sacred-sites-of-north-wales/)
Would like to say a big thank you to Ishtar and Pete for a fantastic day in Wales. I really enjoyed both the spiritual and historical experience. Was lovely to spend the day with such a wonderful group of people. xXx
Hayley Crotty Cunningham.
Ishtar, Peter and not forgetting the beautiful Fi, led us around some of the most magical, historical and ancient sites of Wales. Wow! What a powerful place. ……..We had the privilege to go inside the tomb itself and touch the stones. Ishtar conducted a group meditation inside the chamber and we could all feel the buzzing energy and magical spirit of this place. It was truly an unforgettable experience I will never forget.
Ishtar conducted a private meditation and chant within the tomb and many of us had visions and could feel a real connection with our ancient ancestors. Something that will stay with me forever! Ishtar and Peter told us stories of the past and I could really visualise the people long gone. This tour cleansed my soul and has left me feeling energised and I’m so happy to have met such great spiritual people.
After a lovely picnic lunch sitting on the hill side looking out to sea we then went to visit the sacred lake Llyn Cerrig Bach (100AD-300BC). This amazing place was accidentally discovered when digging for peat. A treasure of many artifacts were found dating over a time span of 300 years.
Swords, spearheads, wheels from chariots and many other historical items. This lake was used to make sacred offerings and is the single most important sight of this type in Britain. Absolutely stunning! . Ishtar asked us to bless our stones with joy and happiness as we cast them into these sacred waters.
What a perfect end to a perfect day!
Thanks to Ishtar, Peter and everyone else I met yesterday. It was truly magical . Zarah Elliott