Earth Moves Cooperative

Safeguarding Policy
Last reviewed 14/11/2023
Earth Moves has a worker who has completed a safeguarding certificate and is responsible for safeguarding individuals. Earth Moves ensures safeguarding policies and procedures are in place and takes appropriate steps to ensure safeguarding legislation is adhered to.
We ensure;
• The welfare of vulnerable adults and children is given the highest priority by the organisation, its management and volunteers.
• The promotion of good practice and ensuring that volunteers can work with vulnerable adults with confidence Ensure that this Practice Guidance and Procedures are enacted and monitored including the briefing, training and gathering feedback from volunteers
• Monitoring contact with vulnerable adults to ensure that the frequency and intensity of contact are consistent with the DBS threshold levels.
• Act as the main contact for disclosing information about adult safeguarding Safeguarding policy working with vulnerable adults and children. All volunteers are DBS-checked.
. Named individuals acting as safeguarding lead for the organisation. -Paula Staunton.
. The policy will be regularly reviewed and updated. The policy and its associated practices will be regularly communicated to trustees, staff, and volunteers through training. We have a recruitment policy statement that covers paid staff and volunteers. We follow safe recruitment procedures for all staff and volunteers. We carry out all the checks that are needed for staff and volunteers to carry out their roles. We have developed an induction process for all new staff and volunteers staff and volunteers to receive ongoing supervision, support, appraisal, and working with vulnerable adult training. We plan activities and events thoroughly in advance and put measures in place to keep vulnerable adults safe. We discuss why safeguards are in place for the vulnerable people we work with.
. Our registration form asks for details about their needs (medical, dietary, allergies, care needs). We make sure that information that might be needed in an emergency is readily available. We ensure anyone taking part in your organisation's activities can access first aid. We have a procedure for reporting accidents and "near misses", and taking steps to mitigate any risks that may have caused the accident. We comply with health and safety regulations. Staff and volunteers are trained in accident prevention and health and safety. We have written guidelines and procedures for sharing information, which are compatible with the expectations of your local safeguarding agency. We make up-to-date information about local services available to staff, volunteers and families.
. Guidance is provided to staff and volunteers as part of a multi-agency response to carrying out assessments and providing support for vulnerable people. We have a clear policy and procedures about how your organization creates, stores, retains, and disposes of records, which all staff and volunteers follow and understand. We explain to people and their families that you keep records about them and their Concerns;
• Ensure that the concerns of vulnerable adults are heard and acted upon Be responsible for reporting incidents or concerns to appropriate authorities• Attend appropriate training relevant to the level of engagement with vulnerable adults to ensure all staff/volunteers remain up to date with current practice and legislation• Ensure volunteers have access to further appropriate information.